Thursday, July 5, 2012

Zucchini Pizzas

I was running out of things to make for Zucchini Week, but luckily our friend who gave us the giant vegetable had some ideas of her own.  Zucchini Pizzas!  One of the easiest things to make.  Slice the largest zucchini you can find into discs.  Place on a baking dish and sprinkle with a little olive oil and salt and pepper.  Top with your favorite pizza sauce and sliced buffalo mozzarella (or shredded if you have it instead).  More salt and pepper on top, and bake in a 450 degree oven until the cheese melts and bubbles.  Great way to avoid bread if that's what you're going for (why).  

I'll be back later on today with a break from veggies (4th of July Cupcakes!) but for now I ask you... 
what should I make for the final day of Zucchini Week!?  I'm out of ideas : )    

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