Monday, July 23, 2012

Tea Time

How were your weekends?  Ours was full of restaurants.  I'm at the "almost one month away" point, and I'm finding it difficult to accomplish simple tasks like MAKING DINNER.  Speaking of being "close to popping" (never tell a pregnant woman she looks like that, never, ever ever), yesterday some girlfriends threw me a little "sprinkle" (that's what we decided to call a casual shower for Baby #2).  We had tea at The Peninsula in Beverly Hills.  What a joyful experience!  I've never felt so civilized, and so aware that my boobs were sweating in a lovely, classy environment.  I am the luckiest to have sisters and girlfriends like the ones I have - the aunties this baby will be blessed with. 

(The following photos taken by Katy at Chasing You Photo)   

the decor...

to begin, freshly sliced strawberries with whipped cream...

scones, tortes and cakes and profiteroles, tea sandwiches...

my personal favorite, curried chicken with cashews on raisin bread...

"bwah ha ha ha tee hee hee..."

baby's own cookware set...

*When I got home, Jack began instantly playing with the pots and pans.  Whipped us up a graham cracker, American cheese and carrot soup.  Mmmm um no.

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