Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tomato Butter

Remember when I told you I planted some tomatoes using a plastic toy shovel?  I had no idea what I was doing, which is apparent because now my rosemary is buried underneath the tomatoes.  Who knew tomato plants got to be so big??  Oh you did?  Show off.  And guess what??  Three are growing!  Three!  I gardened!  I am a harvester, a farmer, Siri Plain and Tall!  

Anyway, have you found yourself with a surplus of tomatoes lately?  If you garden, I'm sure you have.  Or maybe you can't stop buying them at the market because of how fresh and juicy they look.  I was very excited to see that Bon Appetit devoted a whole section to tomato recipes this month, one of the easier ones being this Tomato Butter.  Broil, puree, stir - it's as simple as that.  Keep it in your fridge for pastas or sandwiches or steaks.       

Also perfect for smothering over grilled fish...

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