Thursday, July 26, 2012

Coconut Cake with Berries and Cream

As I was waiting for the doctor the other day, sitting in the lobby reading outdated magazines, I came across a recipe for Coconut Cake that sounded delicious.  I looked around me, noticing how crowded the room was.  Blimey, I thought in a British accent, I must have this recipe but everyone will notice if I rip it out of the magazine!  I could loudly cough as I tear?  But that will just draw unwanted attention my way.  Ooo, I know, I could ask for a pencil and paper and copy it down!

Pencil.  What am I, a British grandmother?  

It was then I realized it's 2012, and I was reading Martha Stewart, and I could most likely find the recipe online.  Like here.  So that's what I did, and I made it last night for an after dinner treat.  Um, it is sinful.  A lightly whipped cake batter with finely ground toasted coconut folded in, baked and then soaked in coconut milk and cream.  Topped with homemade whipped cream and fresh berries.  Not exactly as "light" as it looks, and delicious.         

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