Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Banana Pudding Toffee Cookies

Would it be weird if I set up a cookie stand on the beach?  Do sunbathers like baked goods?  Dolphins?  

Yesterday, because I couldn't resist the urge to bake, I used this recipe, substituted banana pudding for vanilla and toffee bits for chocolate chips.  They're soft and chewy, full of that familiar banana pudding flavor with the crunchy texture of buttery toffee.  The perfect cookie for entertaining a smaller crowd, because they only make 18 or so.  They're also the perfect cookie for pregnant people, because they only make 18 or so.  That's not too many to eat in one sitting, right?  I know - the fat jokes are getting old.  One day I'll try to lose the baby weight.  When my kids are 18 or so.    

Monday, July 30, 2012

Cheesy Turkey Toast

I'm on vacation.  But does that mean I'm not making dangerous foods and eating them all up, guilt-free?  No sireeee, it actually means the opposite.  I even bought myself 22-grams-of-fat-in-each Haagen Dazs Bars the other day.  Yup, I'm taking this pregnancy out with a BANG! 

Lately I've been really enjoying the above for lunch - wheat sourdough bread, salted butter, turkey, sharp cheddar cheese - placed under the broiler until crispy and bubbly.  Super easy lunch.  You can make and eat it in a matter of minutes... if you're 35 weeks pregnant and you eat faster than those Olympic dudes run.  

Friday, July 27, 2012

Monkey Bread

How have I had a blog for this long without posting about Monkey Bread???  Seriously, it's wrong, you shouldn't forgive me.  You should be all, "It's a little too late, Siri, you Monkey Bread recipe hoarderer."  And my response will be, "Hoarderer isn't a word, my spell check said so."  And then you go, "Are you making fun of me??  I'm one of your blog followers, you idiot."  Then I'll apologize and send you some Monkey Bread in the mail, except that will never happen because I ate it all.

Now, you can make Monkey Bread from scratch, but I like to use a good old Pillsbury recipe because it's easy, and because it's incredible.  Buttermilk biscuits are quartered and then coated with cinnamon sugar.  They're placed in a tube pan (or I use a bundt pan), coated with butter and brown sugar, and baked.  The result: a pastry that you pull apart (like a monkey?) to reveal a soft, gooey, buttery center with a cinnamon sugar-crusted exterior.  You will die.  Literally, you will, because you'll eat it all, and then you'll die.    

*All grass shots taken by Katy at Chasing You Photo*

If you eat fruit with it it's healthy.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Coconut Cake with Berries and Cream

As I was waiting for the doctor the other day, sitting in the lobby reading outdated magazines, I came across a recipe for Coconut Cake that sounded delicious.  I looked around me, noticing how crowded the room was.  Blimey, I thought in a British accent, I must have this recipe but everyone will notice if I rip it out of the magazine!  I could loudly cough as I tear?  But that will just draw unwanted attention my way.  Ooo, I know, I could ask for a pencil and paper and copy it down!

Pencil.  What am I, a British grandmother?  

It was then I realized it's 2012, and I was reading Martha Stewart, and I could most likely find the recipe online.  Like here.  So that's what I did, and I made it last night for an after dinner treat.  Um, it is sinful.  A lightly whipped cake batter with finely ground toasted coconut folded in, baked and then soaked in coconut milk and cream.  Topped with homemade whipped cream and fresh berries.  Not exactly as "light" as it looks, and delicious.         

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tomato Butter

Remember when I told you I planted some tomatoes using a plastic toy shovel?  I had no idea what I was doing, which is apparent because now my rosemary is buried underneath the tomatoes.  Who knew tomato plants got to be so big??  Oh you did?  Show off.  And guess what??  Three are growing!  Three!  I gardened!  I am a harvester, a farmer, Siri Plain and Tall!  

Anyway, have you found yourself with a surplus of tomatoes lately?  If you garden, I'm sure you have.  Or maybe you can't stop buying them at the market because of how fresh and juicy they look.  I was very excited to see that Bon Appetit devoted a whole section to tomato recipes this month, one of the easier ones being this Tomato Butter.  Broil, puree, stir - it's as simple as that.  Keep it in your fridge for pastas or sandwiches or steaks.       

Also perfect for smothering over grilled fish...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Tea Time

How were your weekends?  Ours was full of restaurants.  I'm at the "almost one month away" point, and I'm finding it difficult to accomplish simple tasks like MAKING DINNER.  Speaking of being "close to popping" (never tell a pregnant woman she looks like that, never, ever ever), yesterday some girlfriends threw me a little "sprinkle" (that's what we decided to call a casual shower for Baby #2).  We had tea at The Peninsula in Beverly Hills.  What a joyful experience!  I've never felt so civilized, and so aware that my boobs were sweating in a lovely, classy environment.  I am the luckiest to have sisters and girlfriends like the ones I have - the aunties this baby will be blessed with. 

(The following photos taken by Katy at Chasing You Photo)   

the decor...

to begin, freshly sliced strawberries with whipped cream...

scones, tortes and cakes and profiteroles, tea sandwiches...

my personal favorite, curried chicken with cashews on raisin bread...

"bwah ha ha ha tee hee hee..."

baby's own cookware set...

*When I got home, Jack began instantly playing with the pots and pans.  Whipped us up a graham cracker, American cheese and carrot soup.  Mmmm um no.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Bisquick Blueberry Muffins with Crumb Topping

Ever since I made this banana bread, I've been wanting to try out other recipes with Bisquick.  Sure, maybe it's cheating a little, but who cares?  Bisquick lends that familiar, somewhat sweet flavor AND IT'S EASY.  A word I'm more than comfortable with these days.  I found this recipe, adapted it ever so slightly by adding vanilla and more blueberries, and added the crumb topping from this recipe.  Easiest muffins you'll ever make.  And deeeee-licious.  Happy Weekend.

Bisquick Blueberry Muffins with Crumb Topping
(Makes 12)


2 cups Bisquick
1/3 cup sugar
2 T vegetable oil
2/3 cup milk
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen)

Crumb Topping:

3/4 cup flour
2 T brown sugar
2 T granulated sugar
4 T unsalted butter, melted
1/4 tsp vanilla
Pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 375.  Combine all ingredients for crumb topping in small bowl with fork until it resembles a crumble.  Set aside.  

In a large bowl, combine Bisquick, sugar, vegetable oil, milk, egg and vanilla.  Stir with spoon until just combined (careful not to over mix).  Gently fold in blueberries.  Place in a paper-lined muffin tin, filling almost to the top.  

Spoon crumb topping on top of each.  Bake for 14-17 minutes, until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Veggie Dinner

After camping and eating a lot of red meat and salty snacks and baking a lot of ridiculous cookies, sometimes I crave a full meal of vegetables.  When I make a veggie dinner (with eggs), Carson jokes, "nice appetizer, where's the main course?"  But we both end up loving it and always feel plenty satisfied.  Especially when you make things like zucchini fritters as a side...

Roasted halved tomatoes on top of arugula with a light balsamic dressing and toasted pine nuts...

Egg white frittata with mushrooms, broccolini and manchego cheese...

See?  I may be pregnant but I'm not eating for 12.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reese's Triple Threat Cookies

Yesterday, I went to the store for only this...

Before you tell me I've lost my pregnant mind, which I clearly have, I will tell you that my son wasn't feeling well and I suggested we make cookies.  HE came up with the idea to put Reese's Pieces in them.  How do you say no to a sick boy?  Um and I decided that Reese's peanut butter chips and peanut butter cups would also be a good idea.  So I made the peanut butter cookie dough seen here, and added all the goodies.  Dear God.    

My little big boy helper...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Reese's Peanut Butter Cup S'mores

I tried the most magical thing this weekend while camping - a S'more, with a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup in place of the Hershey's Chocolate.  WHAT!?  How had I never thought of that before??!!  Ooey, gooey peanut butter in addition to the melted chocolate and marshmallows.  Perfection.  I love camping, and I'm now under the false impression that it's normal to eat s'mores every night after dinner.  Although, with this little contraption we bought Carson for Father's Day, maybe we can...

Friday, July 13, 2012

Peach and Pecan Ice Cream

For the final day of Peach Week, I'm over at The Post Social with a delightful new ice cream recipe.  If you are a fan of sweet and savory, you will love, and if you are a fan of wonderful blogs, you must go to TPS and stay awhile.  They "postmark" great blogs from across the web, as well as create original content - everything from food, fashion, beauty, even something for the kiddos and the dudes.  

Hope you enjoyed Peach Week!  And Zucchini Week!  Next week is just going to be a week, ok.  Just a regular old week.  I hope you're ok with that friends.      

Thursday, July 12, 2012

You're a peach.

I'm cheating a little...

...because I didn't have time to create a peach recipe for you today.  But if I DID have time, I would have made one of the above because they all look/sound fabulous.  Instead, I am busy making my S'more Cookies for Fancy Camping 2012.  Come back tomorrow for one final icy cold peachy treat, created by yours truly.  Goodbye!