Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday Poll: How do you Thanksgiving?

What's your role each Thanksgiving?  Do you cook the whole thing?  Order in?  Eat out?  Do you assign everyone a dish?  Do you do nothing except eat, watch football and scratch your balls?  

Everyone has a role, and mine is usually to take full control.  See that picture up there?  Don't I look happy and thankful?  Nope.  That smile is a manic one... a panicked, "everything-will-be-fine-if-I-show-teeth-like-Giada" shit-eating grin.  That's what happens to me when I try to do too much.  So this year, I've decided to do next to nothing and let someone else take over.  Teach me how to watch football please (I already know how to scratch my balls).

NOW TELL ME, what's your role in Turkey Day??

More Turkey Day Reads from last year...

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