Thursday, November 17, 2011

Crispy Fried Apple Rings

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.  I am a chocolate person.  A creamy, rich, dark, chocolaty dessert will always win over something fruity in my book.  And then came these.  Which I found HERE.  Which are NOT called "Crispy Fried Apple Rings" but that's what they are to me.  A crispy, sugary, slightly spiced exterior around a tart, juicy cooked apple - best served right of of the fryer.  Would be perfection dipped in ice cream.  Or chocolate?  (By the way, yes that's a beer in the photo below.)    

apple rings...

I'm an adult.

mmm, frying things...

sugary crispy fried apple rings...

Yes, my Christmas tree is up SO WHAT.  

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