Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chocolate Chip Scones

I've never been much of a scone lover (though I won't pretend I haven't occasionally devoured a 5,000-calorie Maple Oat Nut Scone from Starbucks).  But a reader friend recently sent me a recipe, and while I didn't have all the ingredients on hand to make the specific one she sent, it stirred my interest.  T'would be quite lovely if I had a go at baking some scones!, I thought to myself in a British accent.  (Am I mistaken, or are you always supposed to speak and think thoughts in a fake British accent when dealing with scones??)  And what DID I have on hand?  Chocolate chips.  Oh yes, those are always on hand.  

I found this recipe, and quite enjoyed the addition of lemon zest it called for.  (Fake British Accent Tip: say "quite" a lot.)  They turned out great.  Perfect for breakfast with tea and crumpets.  What the hell is a crumpet, by the by.

dry ingredients, butter, lemon zest...          

(I didn't have buttermilk and used heavy cream instead...)

scone dough...

pizza pie...

milk and sugar glaze...


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