Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Siriously Chopped: Thanksgiving Appetizer

My name is Siri, and I'm your badass JUDGE.  Welcome to Siriously...

1 appetizer.
4 Thanksgiving-themed ingredients.
1 winner of $75 to Williams Sonoma.

Are you ready to open your baskets?  Here we go...



The Rules:

You MUST use all four ingredients.
You can use other items from your pantry or fridge, but the 4 ingredients should be the focus of the dish.
You must be able to prep and assemble the recipe in 30 minutes.

To Enter and To Win:

Email me the recipe you create and please include a photo.
You must be an official follower of this blog to be eligible.
I will pick the top 3 based on creativity, plating and appeal.
I will make all 3, post them on the blog, and choose my favorite.
The winner will get $75 at Williams Sonoma! 

Any questions?  Comment below and I will answer them.  
The contest closes this Sunday at 8pm PST, I will post the top 3 on Monday the 21st and I will announce the winner the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  
(That way you can run to WS with your $$ to buy a roasting pan or gravy boat before Turkey Day.)  
Good luck!  

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