Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Maternity Salad

There is a restaurant in Studio City called Caioti Pizza Cafe.  On their menu, they have something called the The "THE" Salad, also known as the Maternity Salad.  Apparently, pregnant women flock there everyday to eat this famous dish that is supposed to induce labor.  The ingredients are basic: romaine, watercress, gorgonzola, walnuts AND their super secret special dressing that you can purchase online.  It's the dressing that apparently does the trick.  They claim it's made from natural ingredients, but if it truly does "work" I'm going to guess it's either laced with castor oil or pitocin.

And I'm going to eat it.  Tomorrow.  On the radio.

On AMP Radio, and if you care to listen, click that link tomorrow morning around 8:05am PST and you can check out the live stream.  

Let's get this baby out of here, friends.  All together now.    

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