Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Homemade Strawberry Fruit Leather

Can I whine?  Ok, I'm going to, my blog, thanks.

I had a post ready to go yesterday - a slow cooked shredded pork for Taco Tuesday - went to get my computer and found it SWIMMING in a puddle of water.  Yes, 3-year-old, accidents happen, it's okay, giant fake smile on my face.  My computer won't turn on.  Was it backed up?  I don't know.  Will I lose all the recent photos of my daughter's birth?  Quite possibly.  CRISSCROSS APPLESAUCE!  (That's what my son's preschool teachers say when they're upset, which is much more pleasant than the words floating around my brain.)

Also there has been a confirmed case of lice at my son's school.  I know, I know, you have 3 kids and you get these emails all the time and I should not panic.  But I'm panicking.  Help.  How do I prevent him from getting it?  Send him to school in a swim cap, a friend suggested.  A Spiderman mask?  CRISSCROSS APPLEBUTTHEAD!  (I'd make a great teacher.)     

Fruit leather...

Now that my son attends school everyday in lice-land, I've been obsessing over the site Weelicious.  Catherine offers an infinite amount of healthy and creative lunch ideas.  I will admit, I'm slightly overwhelmed trying to find the time to make most of them with two kids, but this fruit leather was absurdly easy.  Puree some strawberries with honey and bake.  Done.  Recipe here.  
Thank you Catherine!  

Check out that cute head.  See any lice????

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