Friday, September 28, 2012

Egg in a Hole

As a very new mother to two children, I've found that in order to get through the day without overwhelming myself it helps to make very mini goals.  Like, today I'm going to tidy up.  Today I'm going to organize that drawer.  Today I'm going to the drug store.  Today I'm going to blog.  Today I'm going to shower.  (That's right friends, showering doesn't happen every day or even every other, deal.)

But one thing I HAVE to do everyday is cook dinner, pack a school lunch, and make sure my son eats a big breakfast.  It's very easy to fall into the "same old same old routine", but today I decided to get wild and crazy with breakfast.  Egg in a Hole!  Egg in a Minnesota Hole (thanks for the cookie cutter, Katy).  Put some butter in a pan, cut out a shape in your bread, place bread in pan, crack egg into hole, sprinkle with salt, cook to your desired yolk consistency.  Fast, easy and delicious!     

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Homemade Strawberry Fruit Leather

Can I whine?  Ok, I'm going to, my blog, thanks.

I had a post ready to go yesterday - a slow cooked shredded pork for Taco Tuesday - went to get my computer and found it SWIMMING in a puddle of water.  Yes, 3-year-old, accidents happen, it's okay, giant fake smile on my face.  My computer won't turn on.  Was it backed up?  I don't know.  Will I lose all the recent photos of my daughter's birth?  Quite possibly.  CRISSCROSS APPLESAUCE!  (That's what my son's preschool teachers say when they're upset, which is much more pleasant than the words floating around my brain.)

Also there has been a confirmed case of lice at my son's school.  I know, I know, you have 3 kids and you get these emails all the time and I should not panic.  But I'm panicking.  Help.  How do I prevent him from getting it?  Send him to school in a swim cap, a friend suggested.  A Spiderman mask?  CRISSCROSS APPLEBUTTHEAD!  (I'd make a great teacher.)     

Fruit leather...

Now that my son attends school everyday in lice-land, I've been obsessing over the site Weelicious.  Catherine offers an infinite amount of healthy and creative lunch ideas.  I will admit, I'm slightly overwhelmed trying to find the time to make most of them with two kids, but this fruit leather was absurdly easy.  Puree some strawberries with honey and bake.  Done.  Recipe here.  
Thank you Catherine!  

Check out that cute head.  See any lice????

Monday, September 24, 2012

Chocolate Chip Banana Snack Cake

Hello!  It's me.  I'm tired.  If I stop making sense somewhere in this post, chalk it up to no sleep and too much coffee...

I have some business to take care of first, and I'm going to use numbers like a Type A freak...

1. The winners of the Weelicious Cookbook are Kristen (commenter #12) and Valerie!  Please email me (contact info under 'Find Siri') and I will get you your books!

2. A huge, fat, gigantic THANK YOU to all my guest bloggers these past 2 weeks.  You saved my life and this blog.

3. Chocolate Chip Banana Snack Cake.  I'll stop with the numbers now...

With both of my childbirth experiences, I've come home from the hospital and all I can think about are the nurses who took care of me while I was there.  Honestly, when I come back in another life as a better person, I will come back as a Labor & Delivery RN.  Unless karma is a real thing because then I'll probably come back as a piece of chewed gum.  Anyway, those nurses are angels, catering to you in your most humble, most vulnerable, most joyful life moment.  So after giving birth to both of my babies, I brought baked goods to the hospital as a small token of thanks.

After giving birth to Etta, I found this recipe but added 3 ripe bananas to the wet ingredients.  I also used mini chocolate chips in the batter.  It was stupid good.  Moist, messy, full of chocolate and banana flavor - I want more right now.  

Friday, September 21, 2012

Guest Post ~ Go Greek BBQ

by my dear friend Beth...
(photos by my dear friend Katy)

Is summer really over after Labor Day??  I say no, not in my house.  Too many delicious late "summer" veggies to digest and incorporate into yummy food.  But, because the rest of the world does recognize Labor Day weekend as an end to pool days and a beginning to sweaters and football season, my hubby Brad and I decided to throw a big backyard BBQ this year.  Originally, we thought we'd just have a few close friends over... cut to 25 adults + 7 children... not really sure how that happened??

Helpful Hint #1: 
After numerous weekend parties I've FINALLY come to the conclusion that once your guest list hits 10 you might as well tack on an extra 20 or so people because at that point, does it really matter?

Helpful Hint #2: 
In an effort to actually ENJOY yourself at your own party (which is a challenge for any host) it's important to spend time planning your menu and making as much as you can the day or night before. 

Helpful Hint #3: 
Pick 3 main dishes you want to do well and make a lot.  I find when you try to make too many dishes, portion control becomes an issue, not to mention expense.  On that note, let's get to the grub, shall we?

For the main course I picked turkey burgers, and in an effort to go a tiny bit more "gourmet" I found a super easy and great recipe for Greek Turkey Burgers.  Here's the trick: add 1/4 cup of chicken stock for each pound of meat.  It really helps keep the burger from falling apart and adds a bit of flavor.

Ok now for the easy part: I purchased Trader Joe's delicious Tzatziki sauce for the topping.  

That plus some lettuce leaves are all I offered for condiments and not one complaint!  For 25 burgers I used 5 lbs. of ground turkey.  I mixed the meat the night before, made all the patties and arranged them on layers of waxed paper so they'd be ready to go.      

For people that weren't in the mood for burgers, I made a Grilled Eggplant Salad, courtesy of the wonderful and beautiful Giada.

Can I tell you how yummy this was?  Plus, it totally satisfies any vegetarians, pescatarians, or whatever "arian" guest you invite as a main course.  I grilled the eggplant the morning of and because it doesn't need to be refrigerated and can be served at room temp, just let it sit out until the party.  Although, be sure not to add the goat cheese until the last minute. 

Also that morning, I rinsed lettuce and cut it (I know, you're supposed to tear lettuce not cut it, but did I mention I have an 18 month-old son? Knife = easy time saver, period).


Helpful Hint #4:
If you want to prep a big salad before a party, after you rinse it the day before or morning of, throw it all in a brown paper bag.  It helps absorb moisture and avoids smashing leaves into a baggie.  Then, right before the party, make your salad in the bowl and put cold, damp paper towels over it until it's time to eat.  
When I have time I like to try and make a special drink.  I found this recipe for Strawberry Lemonade from Real Simple and guess what?  It's really simple!  For this particular party, I was anticipating some beautiful pregnant women and so I put a bottle of Kettle One on the side, so everyone could enjoy!  Plus who doesn't enjoy a little PYO (Pour Your Own) cocktail : )

Helpful Hint #5:
For dessert, if you don't have an amazing baker in your life like Siri, go with a classic: ice cream sandwiches and popsicles.  Nothing says EASY like opening a box.  Plus, the kiddies always love the task of helping pass out dessert.

And finally, Helpful Hint #6:
When your friends offer to bring something, don't be afraid to take advantage of it, say YES!  Of course, it's easy for me to say yes, because I have wonderfully talented friends aka Siri and Katy - queen of creative creations, yummy appetizers and usually something involving cheese!  So I don't just say "yes" when they offer I YELL "yes please!"

Happy Hosting, xo Beth

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Go Be Do Guest Blog ~ Fall Hostess Gift Ideas

by Jessi at Go.Be.Do...

I am beyond honored that Siri invited me into her "home" to do a guest blog.  I'm also thrilled because when this post gets published, it will mean that baby girl S.Delicious is here!  Welcome darling girl, I cannot wait to meet you!

Fall is here!  Are you as excited about it as I am?  While summer has its fantastic share of parties, in my opinion, fall festivities are the best.  As backyard BBQ's give way to cozy chili cook-offs, your social calendar for the season begins to fill up.  Football parties.  Tailgates.  Favorite TV show premieres.  Pumpkin carving get togethers.  Halloween.  Thanksgiving.  

One thing that never changes, no matter the season, is being a good and gracious guest.  I find that people often struggle with what to take as a hostess gift, so I thought I'd put together some fun ideas to help inspire you.  Luckily, food makes a wonderful hostess gift so you're in luck!

I'm going to let you in on my little secret to a perfect hostess gift... PAIR it!  It's one thing to bring a bottle of wine to a party, but it's another to bring the wine AND a little something extra.  Try to keep your host/hostess in mind when you're pairing the gift and make it something personal.  If you found a beautiful pie plate that you think your hostess will love, pair it with your favorite pie recipe and a basket of berries to help her along.  Personalize it and pair it.  This is the key!

1.  When I'm invited on an overnight trip, I like to gift a box or a basket of pastries from my favorite bakery.  Your hostess will be grateful to have something to put out for breakfast without having to think about what to cook.  But don't stop at a basket of pastries, add in some homemade jam from your kitchen or your favorite farmer's market stand.  {images here and here

2.  This giant ice cube tray is beyond fun for anyone who entertains.  The 2" ice cubes won't melt as fast and water down your drinks.  I would pair this with a Bloody Mary mix for Siri, since I know how much they love Bloody Mary's at her house. 

3.  A custom made state cheeseboard is a really special gift.  You can easily pair this with some delicious cheese and crackers, but for a more whimsical pairing, give them these fun cheese markers

4.  Does your host love to drink coffee?  Purchase them a pound of your favorite coffee, and pair that with a stylish and chic mug in their favorite color.  

Taking that little extra step and pairing the gift with something personal and fun will make your gift memorable and show just how grateful you are for their hospitality.  I hope this inspires you as you begin the hunt for this season's perfect hostess gift!  Tell me, what are some of your favorite things to give as hostess gifts?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Baker Chick Guest Post ~ Homemade Vanilla Wafers

by Audra at The Baker Chick...

Hello!  I am so excited to be guest posting on Siriously Delicious today.  I'm Audra- and I blog about lots of baked goods over at The Baker Chick.  I've loved Siri's blog for awhile, and am so happy to be lending a hand while she's spending some quality time with her new babe.

I know that Siri likes to make DIY versions of popular store-bought snacks (goldfish, wheat thins), so I thought homemade 'Nilla Wafers would be right up her alley.  This recipe is easy as can be, and produces a simple vanilla cookie that is loads better than the boxed version.  

I made these to be a layer in a banana pudding recipe I'm posting later this week, but I think they would be delicious in so many things - ice cream toppings, trifles, or maybe just a simple not-too-sweet snack.  

Thanks for having me Siri!  Enjoy your baby snuggles!

Homemade Vanilla Wafers
Yield: 4 dozen cookies
Adapted from: Fix me a Snack

5 tablespoons butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup milk (or half and half)
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  

Cream the butter and sugar together in a large mixing bowl.  Add the egg, vanilla, and milk and mix well. Sift in the flour, baking powder and salt.  Stir well.

Either scoop the dough into a large piping bag (or just a ziplock bag) and squeeze out rounds of dough. OR- just use a small scoop to portion 1inch rounds on a cookie sheet.  Use your fingers to flatten slightly.

Bake for 12-15 minutes until the bottoms begin to turn golden brown.  Transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool.  Serve or store in an airtight container.

*Be sure to check out The Baker Chick later this week for Audra's Banana Pudding Recipe* 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

M Loves M Guest Post ~ Favorite Healthy Snacks

by Mara at M Loves M...

Hi everyone!  My name is Mara and I blog over at M Loves M.  I'm so happy to be here guest posting for Siri as she's busy welcoming her baby into the world.  Siri has been such a great blog friend since the beginning and I'm so excited for her and her growing family : )  This baby is going to be so loved, and fed a lot of amazing food!  I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite, easy and healthy snacks with you today:

Growing up in California I've always loved avocados.  I've found that they are extremely delicious with goat cheese so my favorite little concoction is mixing 1 avocado with 2 ounces {or more if you like!} of goat cheese.  Spread that on some whole wheat bread and it's delicious!  If you're going to take it to work, or give it to the kids, add a tiny bit of lime so that the acid prevents the avocados from turning brown.

Greek yogurt is so rich and creamy, it's almost like a dessert.  While I eat ice cream a few times a week {maaajor sweet tooth over here!}, on the other nights I'll have some greek yogurt with fresh diced strawberries and honey.  It's so satisfying! 

As we're getting into fall I'm starting to make this roasted nut recipe that my Dad created.  It's always at my parents' house and it's the perfect midday snack because it's so flavorful!  To make: roast almonds for 10-15 minutes depending on size {turn and check frequently}.  Once toasted add olive oil, salt and lots of rosemary.  Make sure you have enough olive oil on to make the salt and rosemary stick.  For 1 cup of nuts I used a little less than 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/2 tablespoon of salt {you can always add more!}, and 2 tablespoons of rosemary {because it's so good!}.  

For the apples I cut them open, scoop out the centers, fill with peanut butter and top with granola.  So easy and so yummy!

These snacks are really easy and healthy, too.  If you try them let me know what you think!  I'm sure there are a bunch of great variations on all of them, as well.  Thanks for letting me keep you company today!  Feel free to stop by my blog and say hi anytime : )

Monday, September 17, 2012

Weelicious Guest Post + GIVEAWAY ~ Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

by Catherine at Weelicious...

With back-to-school season in full swing I find myself running more errands and having less time for those important tasks, like you know, feeding myself and my children!  I know... on those busy mornings when you don't have time for breakfast, there's nothing easier than tossing a granola bar into your child's lunch box and another one into your purse, but a majority of the brands on the market are not as healthy as their manufacturers would lead you to believe.  Plus, they are made with ingredients I can't even begin to pronounce. 

These Chocolate Chip Granola Bars are unbelievably delicious and, if you wrap them individually, just as easy to grab when you're on-the-go as the ones you buy at the market (plus, you'll have no problem pronouncing all the ingredients in these).  But the best part?  Most pre-packaged bars will run you a dollar or more, compared to the less than $4 it costs to make this recipe (and don't forget the time you'll also save not having to go to the grocery store).

These bars are versatile, too!  You can easily replace the chocolate chips with naturally sweet dried fruit like cranberries, cherries or raisins.  Chewy and crunchy with toasted oats and a sweet surprise in every bite, these Chocolate Chip Granola Bars are a must for your back to school rotation!

Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

4 cups old fashioned oats
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 cup chocolate chips*
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 cup canola oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup honey

1. Preheat oven to 325 F.
2. Combine the first 6 ingredients in a bowl.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the remaining ingredients.
4. Pour the wet ingredients over the oat mixture and stir to combine.
5. Place granola mixture on a parchment lined baking sheet and shape into a rectangle, about 13x9x1 inch thick.
6. Bake for 40 minutes or until edges begin to turn golden brown and it is set.
7. Allow to cool completely then cut into 3-inch x 1-inch bars.**

*You can substitute raisins or other dried fruit for the chocolate chips.
**Individually wrapped, the bars will remain fresh for several weeks.


Catherine is graciously giving away TWO of her new cookbooks to you people!
Please comment below and I will randomly select TWO winners on Friday at 8am PST.
Good luck and thank you Catherine!  

Friday, September 14, 2012

Late-Summer Vegetable Soup

It's me!  It's me!  I hope you've been enjoying my fabulous guest bloggers.  I have been enjoying sitting on my lazy bum with a tiny baby in my arms.  Of course, it hasn't been 24/7 of that because, as you know, now I have TWO KIDS.  TWO KIDS.  And can someone please tell me how to successfully raise TWO KIDS?!  Two wonderful, beyond amazing kids : )

Thank you all for the well wishes.  I've been spoiled by the best friends and family (what would one do without grandmas??).  And food!  People keep bringing us food!  From Magnolia Bakery's Banana Pudding (I die) to Joan's on Third's Meatloaf and Mac & Cheese (I die again) to a homemade Late-Summer Vegetable Soup.  Click on that last link and make that soup, people, do it.  

One more week of guest bloggers coming up, you won't want to miss them.  
And now, just because...


Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Meat and Potatoes Foodie Guest Post ~ Maple Garlic Marinated Pork Tenderloin

It's back-to-school-mania.  I don't even have kids but it's even affected (infected?) me.  The flurry of Facebook posts.  First day of school wardrobe pictures.  Moms fretting about their little ones' first day of kindergarten.  First day of first grade.  First day of high school.  

And while I can't appreciate the insanity of back to school on a personal level, I can appreciate all that goes along with it.  Cooler weather (on the horizon at least).  Football.  The return of Hell on Wheels, American Horror Story, Glee.

And of course my own personal favorite - fall cooking.  This is the time of year cooking becomes more relaxed and laid back.  When the oven is no longer the enemy but a source of comfort and deliciousness.  Fall cooking is for all intensive purposes, the Michael McDonald of cooking seasons.  And damn if I don't love me some Michael McDonald. 

This pork recipe is a perfect seque for fall.  It's rich and earthy like a fall dish but easy to assemble ahead of time so you can still enjoy the summer sunlight hours.  Simply grill off the pork just before you sit down to eat.  Serve it with roasted acorn squash to accentuate the change of seasons or leftover summer squash sautéed in a little butter finished with fresh basil.  Because as sweet as the idea of fall is, Lord knows it's just a matter of time before we're wishing summer was back.

Maple Garlic Marinated Pork Tenderloin
From Allrecipes with minor changes
(Serves 4-6)

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon sesame oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
fresh ground black pepper to taste
1 cup maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
2 chopped green onions and handful of chopped cilantro or basil, option, plus extra for garnish
1 1/2 pounds pork tenderloin OR 4-6 smallish pork chops

1. Combine mustard, sesame oil, garlic, pepper, maple syrup and salt and green onions if using.  Place pork in a shallow dish and coat thoroughly with marinade.  Cover, then chill in the refrigerator at least 8 hours, or overnight. 

2. Preheat grill for medium-low heat.

3. Remove pork from marinade, and set aside.  Transfer remaining marinade to a small saucepan, and cook on the stove over medium low heat for 5 minutes.

4. Brush grate with oil, and place meat on grate.  Grill pork, basting with reserved marinade, for approximately 15 to 25 minutes for tender oil (about 4 minutes per side for pork chops) or until interior is no longer pink.  Avoid using high temperatures as marinade will burn. 

5. Let rest for 5 minutes before serving.  Garnish with chopped green onions or cilantro if desired.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

i am chasing baby Guest Post ~ Toddler Bites

by Katy at i am chasing baby...

Since Stella graduated from purees and mush to solids a few months back, we've been having so much fun introducing her newbie palette to the wonderful world of "real people food."  When you're grub obsessed, there is nothing more gratifying than sharing that love with the very ones that matter the most!  And the word on the street is that this willingness to down anything we put in front of this toddler may not last forever, so we're trying to take advantage of the adventure while we can.

Just a few of Stella's favorite dishes, as of the past few weeks:

Ravioli with Cottage Cheese, Peas and Baked Chicken

Steamed Broccoli with Whole Milk Yogurt

Polenta with Turkey Meatballs and Red Sauce

Cheese and Black Bean Quesadilla with Avocado 

I know, it's really not brain science.  I am no Siri!  But the great thing about the above is that everything can be mixed and matched or combined.  Ingredients can be swapped depending on if you're low on this or that and additional foods you have on hand can be added, if you need to shake things up a bit.

And speaking of shaking it up...

Though Ari and I do our very best to ensure variety in Stella's diet, meals can get repetitive and we will get to a point after a few weeks when we ask... has she been eating too much of the same old same old?  That's where other Moms, friends, bloggers, and the brilliant Siriously Delicious (kiddo goodies HERE) come in to play.  I call/email/write/google/ask the "whatareyoufeedingyourkidslately" question and voila, our menu gets a makeover. 

Now, I ask YOU to please share your babe's go-tos with us.  Tell us what are you whipping up?  Is it something you can sneak a bite of, yourself?  Because you know Ari and I get in on those quesadillas... mmmmsogood.  

*Go HERE, HERE, and HERE for more meals for toddlers...


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happenstance Guest Post ~ Fall Fashion + Food

by Haydee from Happenstance...

Hello!  It's Haydee from Happenstance here feeling like a champ 'cause Siri asked me to blog sit today while she gets ready to welcome their fourth musketeer.  So today I share some great pieces from J.Crew's fall '12 collection.  I know, pump the brakes!  It's still technically summer, but I couldn't help it.  The line is amazing.  And so are these comfort foods they reminded me of.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Sugar and Charm Guest Post ~ Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake

by Eden at Sugar and Charm...

Hi Siriously Delicious readers!  I'm so excited to be guest posting for Siri while she takes a little time to bond with her precious baby girl.  Since we both have a considerable amount of love for sugar and Siri makes such amazing desserts, I knew I could only contribute a deeelicious treat!  This Mocha Chocolate Icebox recipe was shared with me because of its overwhelming goodness.  It's an Ina Garten recipe (love her desserts) and I've been dying to make it!  Get ready to drool... it consists of homemade chocolate chip cookies, layered with a chocolate, mocha, mascarpone whip and then set out so the flavors can blend together.  Almost like a tiramisu, but with chocolate chip cookies!  Honestly, it tastes too good to be true, but you'll have to make one to believe it.  It's fairly easy to make and to save time (if you don't want to actually turn your oven on), you can use chocolate chip cookies from a bakery.  Besides the cookies, this is a non-bake dessert : )  

Instead of buying cookies, I made my own and used the simple chocolate chip cookie recipe on the back of the Ghiradelli chocolate chip bag (minus 1/4 cup flour) and they were great!

For the recipe, click here.  I substituted Bailey's Irish Cream instead of Kahlua and also added an extra half teaspoon of espresso powder.  


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chocolate Chip Biscoff Blondies

My blogging friends, I think I'm going to disappear for awhile!  But I will check in with you over the next few weeks.  The best news??  (I mean other than having a baby...)  I have INCREDIBLE guest posts lined up for you from my favorite bloggers starting this Monday!  Seriously, you won't even miss me.  You'll be like, Siri who?  Oh right, that robot on my phone who kinda sucks.

But, before I go, while I experienced mild contractions yesterday afternoon, my son and I baked.  Because that's what you do when you're in labor, right?  I guess I'll bring these bars to the nurses.  Because that's what you do if you want to score extra jello cups and giant glasses of juice, right?      

I've had this Biscoff spread for awhile now, and I haven't really known what to do with it other than eat it by the spoonful.  So when I found this recipe, I jumped.  No really, I've been jumping up and down a lot trying to drop out a baby.  (Sorry)  I knew I had to make them immediately.  I didn't have cherries, but I had chocolate chips, and OH MY.  These are delicious.  

Until we meet again!!!  (I'm talking to you, not the Blondies...)