Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bump Cravings 2.0

This picture is now 2 weeks old, so use your imagination.  

As we're nearing the end, and I'm cooking less and less, I thought I'd share with you some of my pregnancy cravings this time around.  To be honest, there wasn't a ton I wouldn't eat.  With my firstborn, I was terribly turned off by chicken and fish and coffee (even decaf).  But baby girl, she ate anything and everything.  Here were the foods I craved the most...


...mostly peaches and nectarines and bananas.  A banana every, single morning.

Orange Juice

...mainly at night, before bed, I crave a big TALL glass (image).  


...this should come at no surprise to you.  My blog has been saturated with baking, and rarely without chocolate.  I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I think I'm going to tell you this... sometimes I melt chocolate just to lick the spoon.  And then I become horrified with my actions and throw the bowl into the sink, covering it with dish soap as fast as I can.

Applesauce and Cottage Cheese

...this one's weird, I know.  Something about being pregnant makes me nostalgic for foods I loved as a kid, like cans of black olives and applesauce mixed with cottage cheese.  I know it doesn't look appetizing, in fact Carson makes me eat it far, far away from him.  But it's delicious, trust me.


...holy, moly, guacamole!  Something healthy!  At restaurants, if there's a choice of side, I've been choosing broccoli.  Steamed, with butter and salt.  Mmmm (image).


...I would eat one every morning if I wasn't afraid of my ass becoming one.  

SO, are you pregnant?  Have you been pregnant?  What did you crave?

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