Monday, March 12, 2012

Egg Salad Sandwich

This is a lunch I make quite often for myself and have since I was a kid.  That egg slicer thingy was one of the first tools I was trusted with in the kitchen, and, as the circle of life goes, now my son is old enough to use it.  Is that what it's called?  No matter!  Just like Simba taught his lion cub to call hyenas "Whoopi Goldberg" I will teach my son that this is called an egg slicer thingy. 

Anyhowzers, I don't get very fancy with my egg salad.  Some people like to add celery or pickles or tarragon or herbs, but I like mine nice and plain.  I boil eggs, peel and chop them, add mayonnaise, a few squirts of dijon mustard, pepper, sea salt and a dash of seasoned salt as well. 

I eat it with crackers, or roll it up in a wrap, spread it on toast, or make an old fashioned sandwich, like the one below.  I tried to add broiled pancetta to this, but instead burnt the crap out of it.  There may have been a small meltdown that followed ("my bacon waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah") but the sandwich made it all better.  

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