Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chocolate Bread Pudding

Throwing away old bread is a sin.  A SIN, I SAY!  See that bread above?  It's old hot dog and hamburger buns, leftover from a friend's BBQ.  He asked if anyone wanted it, I pounced, and then it sat in a bag in my pantry for over a week.  I was close to throwing it out myself, and then I remembered that if you take old bread and let it swim in a tubby of cream, sugar and eggs, it can turn into something wonderful.

Something like this (and yes I just said "tubby")...

Chocolate Bread Pudding might be my favorite dessert.  Carbs, dairy, chocolate... all soaked together to create this ooey, gooey, luscious treat.  I tried out this recipe and enjoyed it, however I think I let my bread soak for too long which ended up drying out the pudding slightly.  The recipe recommends just an hour, but I got distracted by a gentle bird outside my window, harvesting a seed, it's delicate wings a flutter and- not really, I was distracted by TV.   

Cream and sugar...

Into the cream, these guys went...

Bread, meet chocolate...

This sort of looks like wet, meaty dog food they show in those gourmet pet commercials... I would make a GREAT food critic...

Dog food with marshmallows on top?  Butter, it's butter...

I sprinkled some chocolate chips on top prior to baking, cause I'm cool like that.  Chocolate Bread Pudding...

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