Friday, September 23, 2011

Chicken Corn Chowder

It is a gray, rainy morning in Los Angeles.  I usually enjoy those, but this one started at 5am with the following chant, "is it morning time, is it morning time, is it morning time, is it morning time..." - you get the idea.  I put up with that for almost an hour before I finally caved, went downstairs and found out what PBS has to offer in the wee hours: Barney.  Joy.  

On a more positive note, there were aromas lingering in my kitchen from last night's dinner, which made me want to have a cup of soup for breakfast.  I didn't (I had a cookie instead), but I'm already excited for lunch so I can heat up a bowl.  Chicken Corn Chowder with creamy butternut squash, sweet red bell peppers, bright cilantro, and much more.  Extremely flavorful, hearty, yet surprisingly light.  Yes, there's a cup of cream in it, but with enough soup to feed a small army, the ratio won't make you fat.  Especially if you use half & half instead of heavy whipping cream like I did.  I also used pancetta instead of bacon and skipped the potatoes because the squash offered plenty of starch.  Click HERE for the recipe, I highly recommend it.  

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