Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Autumn Panzanella

I've probably mentioned this before, but I like to say "autumn" vs. "fall" because it makes me feel like an elderly poet.  And who doesn't aspire to feel like that from time to time?  Wise, calm, quick to rhyme.  Should I start rhyming in every new post?  No?  Glad we had this talk.

Moving on to normal conversation.  Whenever I need a quick dinner and have no protein to work with, I like to put a poached egg over a salad.  Since it's autumn time, I decided to highlight some of my favorite seasonal ingredients: brussel sprouts and sage.  And what's better than a warm, bread salad on a chilly night.  It's been 90 degrees here.  By the way, when I put the sage in the frying pan, Carson walked in and said, "it smells like church in here."  An insult?  Or perhaps a comment from an elderly poet?  I'm going to ask him to write a poem called "Holy Sage" before he gets to eat any more of my food.  

Autumn Panzanella
(Serves 2)

4 oz. sliced mushrooms
10-15 brussel sprouts, sliced in half
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
3 T plus 1 tsp olive oil, divided
1 T pancetta, diced
1 tsp fresh sage, chopped
1 heaping tsp dijon mustard
1 T red wine vineagar
2 cups arugula
1/2 cup croutons
2 large eggs
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400.  Combine mushrooms, brussel sprouts, and tomatoes in small bowl and toss with 1 T of olive oil.  Season with salt and pepper.  Spread out on baking sheet and roast for 30 minutes.     

While vegetables are roasting, heat 1 tsp of olive oil over medium-high heat in small frying pan.  Add pancetta and sage, and saute until crispy.  Set aside on paper towel.  

To make dressing, combine mustard and red wine vinegar in small bowl.  Slowly whisk in the 2 remaining T of olive oil and whisk until slightly thickened.  Season with a little salt and pepper.      

Place roasted vegetables in a small bowl with croutons, and toss with the dressing (use as much or as little as desired).  Divide arugula into two bowls, top with vegetable/crouton mixture and a poached egg. Sprinkle with pancetta, sage and salt and pepper.  

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