Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Polar Vortex Cookies

Well, hello there Blog.  Are you mad that I've been neglecting you?  The problem, you see, is that I have been traveling since December 21st, much of this time being spent in hotels, thus, not cooking.  I used a lot of commas in that sentence.  But for the past week we have been lucky enough to stay in a friend's NYC apartment, therefore, a small amount of cooking/baking has been taking place.  Like today, for instance, Jack and I ventured out in the frigid 5 degree weather (I know, Minnesota, I know) to gather cookie supplies.  We made a basic recipe, but a fun way to liven up any cookie is to use sprinkles instead of chocolate chips.  A whole lot of them.  Just make sure to let your 16 month-old eat a few, because the tantrum she will throw when she can't have any more will be epic.  EPIC.

Ahhhhhhh cabin fevvvvvverrrrrrrrrrr Polarrrrrrrr Vortexxxxxx.

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