Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mac & Cheese Casserole with Veggies

I had all of these posts lined up for you and then my Internet went kaput.  I also turned into an eighty year old woman who says kaput.  Is that even how you spell kaput?  No matter, because now my Internet is all fixed and I can share with you this easy casserole I made the other night.  Moms, do you ever find yourself at dinnertime thinking, "I'm alone with the kids tonight, I haven't gone to the market in days, I'm too lazy to go get something, and feeding my kids goldfish for dinner would be cruel"??  I found myself in that predicament the other night, so I turned to my leftovers and my pantry and said some magic (curse) words and came up with something wonderful!      

Annie's Spirals with Butter and Parmesan (yum), leftover roasted chicken, leftover broccoli, frozen peas, bread crumbs, and cheddar cheese.  I preheated the oven to 425.  Then I made the mac & cheese as directed on the box (you could really use and kind or brand).  When that was all done, I tossed in the  shredded chicken, chopped broccoli, and frozen peas (about a 1/2 cup of both veggies).  I placed all of that in a buttered casserole dish (8x8), topped it all with some bread crumbs and grated cheddar, and baked it for 10-15 minutes, until it got all brown and crispy on top...   

It was so good, *your kids will love it!

*I said YOUR kids will love it.  Mine did not.  My 16-month-old is going through a very picky stage, and my son won't touch broccoli.  I tried.  I did.  And then I ate almost the ENTIRE thing myself.  

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