Monday, December 30, 2013

Top 3 Photos - VOTE!

Without further adieu (a lot of vowels in that word), here are the Top 3 photos for the contest!  It's up to YOU to choose the winner, so comment below and vote!!  Winner will be announced this Friday, Jan 3rd.  If your submission is in the Top 3, I suggest you shamelessly share this and like mad to get votes… good luck and thank you all for your wonderful photos : )




Saturday, December 28, 2013

I'm stalling...

I know I told you I'd post the top 3 contest photos yesterday, but you might have to wait until tomorrow.  Which means, you could still submit a photo if you dare!  But until then, here is my mother and sister… we are a normal family.  

They are not eligible for voting because we're related, but I mean… I can't find words to express how wonderful these photos are to me.  Thank you for being very strange, family.   

Thursday, December 26, 2013

I'm full.

If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a merry one.  Mine was merry, and full of food.  Above is yesterday's southern breakfast: grits with cheddar, eggs and bacon, sliced tomatoes, biscuits and of course Carson's famous Bloody Mary.  I'm full.  (Still eating though…)

Reminder: tomorrow I will post my favorite photos from the Recreation Contest and it will be up to you to vote for the winner.  There is still time to submit, so get creative and get it done!  Dress up your dog, let your kids get messy, put your husband in a bikini... whatever it takes.  See you tomorrow. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Holiday treats from long ago...

Some ideas for last minute holiday baking (6 more days people)...

On another note, I don't have nearly enough photos from you guys for the contest.  Should I extend the deadline by a week, so you can get all toasted and goofy with your friends and family over Christmas?  Otherwise I'm just keeping this $120 basket for myself : )

UPDATE:  I have extended the deadline to submit photos to NEXT Friday, 12/27, so by all means, drink some spiked egg nog with your loved ones and eat some pasta.  

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Andes Mint Brownies

Let's keep talking about chocolate and mint, shall we?  I always love the combination, but especially this time of year.  I've even been ordering Peppermint Mochas at Starbucks.  Who am I?  I would never do that any other time of year.  I'm not even sure I like them!  I just want a couple of sips, to savor that chocolaty, minty combo.  Which is why I bought Andes Mints at the market the other day and instantly researched recipes.  I knew this one was the winner, because brownies should be more of a consistent thing in my life.  Don't you think?  They are wonderful... fudgy, gooey, very rich.  The only thing I did differently was add regular semi-sweet chocolate chips to the top, instead of more mints.  I ran my knife through the brownies before the chocolate on top cooled, to make it easier later on.  

Reminder, only a few more days to submit photos for the contest!        

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Mint Chocolate Truffles

I always look forward to Food Network's 12 Days of Cookies.  I've been getting the emails for years, and while I rarely make most of them, I still love reading the recipes (don't pretend that you're better than me because you read actual books).  When I saw this one for mint truffles, I decided to give them a try.  I am a sucker for mint + chocolate and these treats did not disappoint.  Slightly time consuming and messy, but the perfect gift for your loved ones.  Or yourself!    

Monday, December 16, 2013


I hope you guys are having fun with the photo contest.  I have about a thousand ideas I want to offer you, but that's just me being bossy like I was as a kid in charge of my sibling's "Pinter Playhouse" (our production of Little Red Riding Hood was really spectacular).  Anyway, the deadline to submit pictures is this Friday so GET SNAPPING!  I'm so annoyed that I just said that.  

On to the Buckeyes.  I found this recipe as I was perusing through holiday treats online, and it brought back all sorts of memories.  My mom and I made a variation of these almost every year (ours was fully immersed in chocolate, duh).  This recipe took NO time to make and they are SO good.  If you're into peanut butter and chocolate, that is, and if you're not, go away.  Holiday Spirit!           

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Photo Recreation Contest

Over the course of this blog, many of you have inquired about the photo banner of the "spaghetti women."  Does it mean anything to me, is there a story behind it, etc.  The answer is yes, and yes!  Years ago, I had seen the photo in a restaurant and it was love at first sight.  The juxtaposition of beautiful women shamelessly stuffing their faces in the messiest way spoke to me.  It was as if they were saying, Siri, join us, you know you want to.  In fact, one of my proudest moments was when my son, after staring at the photo, asked me, "which one is you?"  (All of them are me.)  However, the photo appeared unattainable until one Christmas, Santa worked his magic!  So enough about that, let's talk about the reason for this post...  

         THE CONTEST:

Recreate the photo.  I give you full creative control.  You can choose a literal translation, or you can use your imagination.  There are no rules.  I will post my favorite top 3, and let YOU vote for the winner.  

1. The deadline to submit photos is Friday, December 20th.
2. Email all photos to siri (at) siriouslydelicious (dot) com.
3. You must be an official follower of this blog to participate. 
4. The winner will receive a 16x20 print of the original photo, as well as the following gift basket to go towards a pasta night at your home... 

The basket is $120 in value, and for more details about it's contents click here.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.  Have fun!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Food Lover Gifts Under $25

If you're trying to get a jump on your holiday shopping like me (what do you mean Christmas is 15 days away), I thought I'd offer you some ideas for your food-loving friends and family.  Whether they prefer fancy, gourmet gifts or a 6-pack of beer... there's something here for everyone.  Or just me.  Me.  Buy all of this for me (come on, they're affordable presents).  

Owl Mugs $5-$10
Growler $15

Happy Gifting!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzels

I am not a very crafty mom.  Thank god for preschool and art and messy paint and clay because that does not happen at home.  The craftiest I get is with, surprise surprise, making treats!  Luckily, Jack loves to help.  However, I am a baker by nature because it's a slow process and allows you to clean as you go, so there's a certain amount of "control" I have to let go of when I let a little one in the kitchen.  Sprinkles?  Just, breathe, and, clean, later, Siri.  These Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzels were a really fun, delicious and MESSY project to do with Jack : )   

I got the idea from my friend's Instagram, who happens to be the co-host of the Minneapolis based Twin Cities Live (check out the show and website for more holiday treat ideas).  Jack had a blast doing everything himself, with the exception of melting the chocolate (which I did in the microwave for 30 second intervals until smooth).  Tip: buy a few bags of pretzels if you're going to make a lot, because many in the bag were broken (I used this brand).  Simply spread a small amount of peanut butter on the flat side of each pretzel, add another on top to make a sandwich (flat side to flat side).  Dip in melted chocolate, use a spoon to add sprinkles, and place finished product on parchment paper to harden... 

(actual recipe here)   

Friday, December 6, 2013

Butternut Squash Pizza with Brown Butter Base

Well, hello there pizza with three different kinds of cheese and brown butter instead of sauce.  Hello.  Want to be friends?  Want to climb into my belly?  What's that you say?  You're already in my belly?  LOLOLOLOL you're so silly, pizza, STOP TALKING OR I'LL EAT YOU AGAIN.

That's right, I'm having a conversation with a photo of a pizza I made and devoured last night.  A reader sent me the recipe and really people, feel free to send more like this.  All the flavors of the season - butternut squash, sage, cheese (what?) - with a nutty brown butter base.  It was so good.  I purchased pizza dough from a local pizzeria and used a cookie sheet because I do not have a pizza pan or stone.  It worked just fine, even if I did burn the crust a bit.  Make this!  And then talk to your food like I do.  

Click here for recipe.

Steamed Broccoli with Butter and Garlic

I love cooked broccoli.  I love it!  I could eat bowls and bowls of it for dinner (which I don't do, because I'm not a model).   Raw broccoli, meh, but steamed or roasted, YES!  I found a very simple way to prepare it with just a leeeeeeetle bit of butter (I already said I'm not a model) and it's delicious.  Do my kids eat it?  No.  But I'll take bowls and bowls of it, please.

*Bring a pot of salted water to a boil.  Drop one head of chopped broccoli florets into pot and cook for 3 minutes.  Drain, and set aside.  Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in same pot, and add 1 clove minced garlic.  Add broccoli, toss, and season with salt and pepper.  Eat bowls of it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Triple Chocolate Pudding

As you know, I don't really like pie.  So on Thanksgiving, I decided to make some chocolate pudding for the kids and, well, myself.  I love chocolate so when I found a recipe for a TRIPLE chocolate pudding, duh, I made it.  While I think I missed up the whisking process (recipes that call for consistent attention are not my forte) the flavor was still delicious.  Also, I sat at the kid's table too.  (Recipe here.)

Later in the week stay tuned for... a brown butter based pizza and a CONTEST.  You heard me.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Bacon Bourbon Brussels Sprouts Skewers

How were your Thanksgivings??  Have you been eating leftovers for days, like me?  Have you been having food-induced night terrors, like me?  (I should also credit watching Breaking Bad before bed to those lovely dreams... too much stuffing + Walter White is a terrifying combo apparently.)  Well, I hope you enjoyed eating your faces off with your loved ones.  I thought I'd share with you one dish that I made, these Brussels Sprouts skewers.  Other than the fact that I added too much cayenne, they were delicious and appropriate for any wintertime meal.  Try them!    

Recipe here.