Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mini Vegan Banana Muffins

Do you believe in the universe trying to tell you something?  Listen to my story...

Once Upon A Time, I agreed to bake 100 mini muffins for Jack's preschool snack.  There are roughly 80 kids, and some like seconds.  In true Siri fashion, I left this project to the very last minute (like every term paper in college), and had planned to bake after my kids fell asleep last night.  Promptly, at bedtime, the power went out.  Carson was at work, Jack was freaking out, and I looked like this...

What, you don't keep a headband flashlight on your nightstand like Carson does?  p.s. What are those four freaky dots coming out of my neck???  I look like I'm waiting for my spaceship.  Anyway, I wake up at 2am to a screaming baby I'm attempting to sleep train, and it's still black outside.  I start to panic.  I begin to imagine 80 kids coming at me like walking zombies, begging for their snack.  I cannot let this happen.  And then, at 3am, the power comes back on!  I dance in bed!  I set my alarm for 5am.  Oh, and the baby wakes up two more times.  

So it's early, and I'm drinking a pot of coffee.  I start to make Mini Vegan Banana Muffins using this bread recipe (which I doubled, cooking the muffins for 13 minutes) because a few of the kids are allergic to dairy and nuts.  I decide to look at the allergy list one more time and I see one little girl who is allergic to cinnamon.  I have already put cinnamon in the batter.  I THROW THE BATTER AWAY and thoroughly scrub everything to remove any cinnamon residue.  I curse cinnamon allergies.  I drink more coffee.  I begin again.  I'm about to pour the soy milk in only I look, and I see that I didn't buy soy milk - I bought almond milk.  Almond milk, for kids with severe nut allergies.  CURSE EVERYTHING!!!!!!  I google "alternatives to almond milk" and google tells me "soy milk" thanks for NOTHING GOOGLE.  So I use water in place of milk.  I think these muffins are going to taste like rat poison and all the kids will make up mean songs about Jack D's Mommy.  I plug along anyway...

Guess what?  They were freaking delicious.  Like, really, really good.  Oh and I added dairy free chocolate chips because I want all the kids to make up nice songs about Jack D's Mommy.  

I think the lesson here, that the Universe is trying to teach me, is to quit trying to be Super Mom.  It's okay that I shower rarely and brush my hair even less and drop off my son at school wearing the same outfit everyday and eat chocolate chips every night by the handful.  It's okay!  It's okay.  It's okay? 

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