Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Grainy Mustard Brussels Sprouts

BREAKING NEWS: this is my 999th post.  Whaaaaaaaaaaa?

I know, you're thinking, what sort of crazy nonsense has she talked about for nine hundred and ninety-nine blog entries??  Cause that's what I'm thinking.  And the answer is, don't go backwards to find out. Oh those beginning posts, with my teeny, tiny blurry photos and my letters to burgers and peanut butter.  Anyways, I bet you're wondering what I have planned for my 1000th post, right?  Yeah.  I'm wondering that too...

IN OTHER BREAKING NEWS: did you know they're called BrusselS Sprouts, with an 's' at the end of brussel?  I did not know that!!  Information!!

I ripped the following recipe out of a magazine at my dentist's office (sorry Dr. B) and it was wonderful, especially if you're a fan of mustard.  If you buy those brussels sprouts that are already cleaned and halved for you (cause you're lazy like me) then this recipe will take you NO time to make:

Place 16 halved brussels sprouts in a saucepan with 2/3 cup water.  Bring to a boil.  Cover, reduce heat, and cook 5 minutes.  Stir in 1 tablespoon whole-grain mustard, 1 tablespoon butter and salt and pepper to taste.  Serve. 

See you at 1000.    

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