Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oatmeal Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Scones

Right as I have the nerve to toot my own horn about a silly posting streak, I go and get the stomach flu.  I was all set to wake up early on Monday, drink my coffee, munch on this scone and write this post... but life had other plans for me AND I WILL SPARE YOU THE DETAILS.  So, sadly, I was out of commission yesterday, and wasn't even able to get an after-shot of these delicious and decadent scones (recipe here).  At least, I imagine they were delicious and decadent because that's what happens when you combine chocolate and peanut butter, right?  The truth is, I didn't even get to try one because something evil was destroying me from the inside.  I sent them to work with Carson because I knew there they would be loved, there they would find a normal tummy to live in.  

Is this sort of gross, this post?  Sorry.  Hope you're healthy.  

my Star Wars helper...

I swear, when they came out of the oven they were all golden brown and lovely.

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