Monday, October 22, 2012

Vegan Pumpkin Muffins

Today, my son's class took a field trip to a pumpkin patch...

Oooo, spoooooooky.

I volunteered to make 80 mini pumpkin muffins.  I know, spooky.  Carson always tells me I overbook myself but in MY defense, my mom was in town and helped watch the kiddos while I worked.  And have you ever known me to turn down a reason to bake??

Also, this recipe was extremely easy and extremely delicious.  Because of various allergies at the school, they are vegan (consisting of soy milk, soy yogurt and no eggs).  PACKED with spices and a hint of molasses flavor, ridiculously moist and perfectly pumpkin-y.  Recipe HERE.

The kids (and parents) ate them up.  My Jack had 3 (I say "my Jack" because there were four others).

*I doubled the recipe and it made 80 mini muffins.

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