Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hamburger into Meatballs (and a giveaway!)

Confession: I don't know how to turn on a grill.  I should probably figure that out someday.  And also the difference between a Phillips and Flathead screwdriver.  Someday.  For now, I'm lucky to have Carson who rolls his eyes as he hands me the correct tool and absolutely knows how to turn on the grill.  In fact, his grilled salmon and hamburgers are two of my favorite things to eat, in this world.  We had hamburgers on Saturday night and leftover ground meat on Sunday, so he decided to turn them into grilled meatballs.  Genius.  Here are his tips on how to convert the two dishes...

I make my hamburgers relatively simple - worscestershire sauce, a teaspoon of liquid smoke, salt and pepper - so it's not complicated to turn that into something else.  For the meatballs, I added one large egg, panko, olive oil, italian seasoning, a hint of nutmeg and grated Parmesan and Romano cheese.  Jack and I rolled them into ping pong-sized balls, and I grilled them over very high heat on a cast iron skillet (with a little olive oil), constantly moving them to char on all sides (about 5 minutes total).    

So, to celebrate all the dads out there and their grilling and tool recognizing skills (is that sexist?) I'm giving away a $25 e-gift certificate at Williams-Sonoma, and if you win you can run out on Saturday to buy this or this or this for the papa in your life.  Just leave a comment below to win and good luck! 

Giveaway Rules:
1. You must be an official follower of this blog to win.
2. Follow me on Twitter for an extra entry (comment below twice if you do).
3. Only open to residents of U.S. and Canada.
4. Winner will be chosen at random on Friday, June 15th, at 8am PST.   

(first image is an etsy card, check it out!)

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