Monday, April 30, 2012

Strawberry Jam

OR we could call it Strawberry Sauce too...

I had never made jam before, and after looking at a bunch of recipes online I settled on Ina's recipe, because Ina is a superhero.  It was very simple, although I got slightly tired of hulling and halving pounds of strawberries.  But it was worth it!  Her recipe didn't call for smashing the berries at all, but I like my jam less chunky, so I used my handheld mixer to blend them a bit.  It's definitely on the thinner side of jams (maybe I could have thickened it by simmering longer?) but that doesn't bother me, because you can drizzle it on top of vanilla ice cream and that is a good thing.  

 sterilizing the jars...

berries and citrus...

sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice...

simmering jam...


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