Thursday, April 5, 2012

Nutella and Puff Pastry

I think you should go out and buy some puff pastry and Nutella.  I think you should.  And I think you should make sure you have one egg handy and some sugar.  Then, obviously, you should make these.

This recipe came together very randomly, inspired mostly by my desire to make a homemade Nutella Pop Tart.  But then I got lazy (I blame the headache, WHICH IS ALMOST GONE), and didn't feel like making my own pie crust.  However, I had puff pastry in the freezer - I always do - and I knew that would be the next best thing.  Much puffier and flakier than a pop tart, and just as tasty.  ALSO EASY!
Nutella can do no wrong.

I have one of those ravioli cutters that helped to fringe the edges.  This is one sheet of puff pastry, cut into 6 rectangles for 3 pastries, a heaping tablespoon of Nutella in each...

A little egg wash on the sides to help bind and more on the top (with sprinkled sugar) for that golden brown crust.  I punctured each with a fork to make sure they didn't puff into oblivion...

A light breakfast with my computer.  

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