Thursday, February 9, 2012

Turkey Meatballs with Whole Wheat Spaghetti

I just wrote like 12 different beginnings to this post and erased them all.  I'm having one of those days where you feel completely unoriginal.  You know, the days when you go on Pinterest and feel like a complete, utter failure as a domestic human being.  Love that site no I don't!  

Anyway, at least I got somewhat creative with my regular old spaghetti and meatball dinner last night...  

I used this recipe, but tweaked it here and there to make it healthier.  Whole wheat pasta, egg whites only, 2% milk instead of whole, and I made my own breadcrumbs by throwing a piece of wheat toast in the food processor.  To heighten the flavor of the meatballs I added a few pinches of nutmeg, oregano and garlic powder before rolling them into balls.  Red pepper flakes on top of the finished product.  
Healthy Schmealthy.  This tasted decadent and sinful and we went back for seconds.    

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