Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Whole Wheat Soft Pretzel Bites

You would think after the debacle I experienced last time I volunteered to bake snacks for Jack's preschool, I'd be over doing it again.  But you can fool me once, or twice, and never again, as George W said, I think.  What I'm trying to say is... I don't learn from my mistakes!  No, I kid, this time it was actually a leisurely, enjoyable experience.  And I found a new recipe that I will absolutely try again!  Very healthy (I subbed whole wheat flour for all-purpose) and allergy friendly (dairy-free).  Great dipped in peanut butter (or soy butter if you have a nut allergy).  I doubled the recipe and it made A TON.  Plenty to feed a schoolyard of crazy kids.  I'm never there when the kids enjoy snack time, but I'd like to imagine the table chatter goes something like this:

Kid:  What a delicious and healthy snack for my tummy.  Who MADE these?
Jack:  MY MOM.  The BEST mom in the whole wide world.
Kid:  Wow.  You should totally bring her home a medal or at least a candy bar or some new shoes.      

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