Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Prosciutto and Manchego Pop Tarts

The best thing about being out of town and using a kitchen space you're unfamiliar with is being resourceful.  I love being resourceful.  I call myself the MacGyver of the Kitchen.  No, that was a joke, if I really called myself that there would need to be an intervention.  But I might think it a little bit in my head.  Because there is nothing like poking around a kitchen, seeing what you have to work with, and making something out of it.  And friends, if that 'something' you have to work with is Puff Pastry, then you can do no wrong.  If you do something with Puff Pastry, you're better than MacGyver!  He made things out of rope and bug poop.  Puff Pastry transforms everything into something magical.  

For instance, take some puff pastry and thaw it slightly.  Cut it into 8 rectangles.  Brush it with some egg wash (one lightly beaten egg and a touch of water).  On four of the squares, place some Prosciutto and grated Manchego (or really any kind of ham and cheese you have on hand).     

Cover with other rectangle, and gently press the edges together with your fingers.  I took a fork and made the edges fancy.  Take a knife and carve a few venting slits in the center.  Brush the tops with more egg wash.  Place on a lightly greased baking sheet, and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes - until 'Pop Tarts' are nice and golden.  

Salty, buttery perfection, people.  I just ate one for breakfast and I think I'll have some more for lunch because, after all, that's what MacGyver would do.  

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