Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Meatball Muffins

Yeah, that sounds kind of gross, doesn't it?  But let me explain.  The other day I was all set to make fancy pants meatballs.  You know, with grated carrots, sautéd onions, fresh garlic and herbs, homemade bread crumbs soaked in milk and blah blah blah.  And then I remembered... OH, I have two kids now and OH, my baby only likes to be held during the evening hours and OH, grating carrots SUCKS.  At that point I happened to glance over at the Highlights magazine my son was "reading" and I saw a recipe for 'Meatball Muffins'.  They consisted of ground beef or turkey, a package of onion soup mix, ketchup, bread crumbs and one egg.  I also added some Parmesan.  Roll into 12 balls, place in a greased muffin pan, and bake for 35-40 minutes at 350.  Took me all of 5 minutes to make and can I tell you something??  They were so good.  

Crispy brown on the outside and perfectly cooked inside.  I threw them in some sauce, served them over pasta, dinner done.  If you're too good for the kiddie magazine recipe, or you just love grating carrots WHY, WHY DO YOU? then make your fancy pants recipe but at least try baking the meatballs in a muffin pan.  So easy.  The End.

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